Father’s Day Weekend Visitation in Texas 

As we get ready to celebrate Father’s Day weekend, I know some people may have questions about their visitation this weekend.  Therefore, I wanted to write a quick blog about Father’s Day visitation under the Texas Family Code and then give a few great ideas on...

How to Enforce a Child Visitation Order in Texas

When you walked out of the court room, order in hand, things stated out smoothy between the two of you. Everyone was following the court’s order and working together in raising the children. Then things began to change. It started off slowly at first with the other...

Division of Property and Debt in a Divorce

I understand going through a divorce is emotionally and financially stressful. You and your spouse have spent years building a life together. During the time you have acquired property and debt. Now it has to be divided. The purpose of this article is to provide you...